Day in The Life of Natividad Zahino of Fantastic PRE Horses in Spain

Natividad Zahino - Fantastic PRE Horses

Natividad Zahino- Fantastic PRE Horses

Hi guys! How are you?

I’m Natividad Zahiño, CEO of FANTASTIC PRE HORSES, created in 2011 to find the most FANTASTIC HORSES for all my lovely clients.
The Day In The Life of Natividad:
When I woke up, around 7:30 in the morning, drink my lovely and required coffee to get enough strength for the day, answer some messages in my phone or computer, go to the stables to see and ride my beautiful horses and to train them, the 90% are from my clients who they left with me to reach up levels prior Import them to their new homes. Also I am training in a top stable in Barcelona with International dressage riders as Annabelle Collins, Olympic rider who is manager of it.
It depends on the days but normally with a routine to 4 days a week for work the horses, I’m going to see new horses for my potential clients, just being a requirement directly from them or just to have them in my sales list. Normally I am very picky choosing horses, first I look it’s the temperament, for me it’s very important to have a temperament well behaved just as the base of the training, good mind + good soul = good horse. Maybe it’s like Maths but I prefer to have good and quality horses, so my clients always can say, NATI YOU ARE RIGHT.
Natividad - Fantastic PRE Horses
Natividad – Fantastic PRE Horses
Who are some of your mentors in the horse world?
My mentors in the horse world are Isabell Werth, Beatriz Ferrer Salat, Juan Manuel Muñoz Diaz and my father who gave me this passion ( I’m very grateful to had a father who gave me this horse world and put passion in every step I did)
What would you tell your 15 year old self?
I will tell you that the patience and the constant in the work is the most deserved life I will have, don’t lose your dreams gone, work for it. Don’t worry about the faults, it’s the way and that’s the one you must do. Also, I would love to stay more time with my father and to think more about things and to hear both sides..  Roughly moments. Anyway, life is going on, don’t worry about this.
Where do you see in 10 years?
If I tell you the truth, competing in international dressage, I have a lot of gains to compete and to see me on the podium, still working on it. Also being a mom, married. With this business of selling horses bigger than before, maybe other people work with me, who knows, step by step.
What do you do in your days off?
I try to disconnect of my phone, because it’s almost all-day sound, hahaha sometimes my patient gone and say bye phone, I would love to give a kick and that’s all hahahaha
I am with my friends doing lot of activities, maybe going to the mountains, doing long walks and talking about the life. Going to the restaurants and having great meals like paella, jamon and the excellent wine we can enjoy in Spain.
I cannot say every weekend I do this, but try to be more with friends and family moments, because I’m very focused on my work ALWAYS and I don’t know how to be disconnected… I love my work and I do with passion so it’s very difficult to disconnect ! I LOVE MY WORK!
Thanks Natividad!
She can be contacted at
Mobile +34696322560
Here business listing can be seen here on :
Debbie Morrison

Horse4yc Owner !!! !


1157 Horses