Find Cleveland Bay Horses Available for Sale Online Now
This breed originated in 17th century England, with their primary uses as driving and fox hunting. A rare horse, their unique strength and musculature comes derives from a genealogical mixture of Lippizaner, Barb, Arabian, and Thoroughbred influences. The breed has a large head, slightly convex profile, and a long, well-muscled neck. The withers are well-muscled, the chest is broad and deep, the shoulders are muscular and sloping, and the croup slightly sloping. The legs are short in relation to the body, but strong and well-muscled. The legs have little or no feathers to avoid skin disease during their history as workhorses. - Horses 4 Your Consideration is the best platform to find horses available for sale online in over 200 countries. We also offer affordable listing options for new customers.
Recognizing the limitations of Facebook and the existing sales sites and apps, Deb and Alix have put their knowledge and experience together to create the most focused, easy-to-use and effective horse sales platform available. We know what busy sellers and buyers need to showcase their horses, find horses, and communicate quickly and easily. We hope you enjoy using Horses 4 Your Consideration and are successful in connecting with the right horses and buyers!
Horses 4 Your Consideration is the fastest growing online database of sport horses available for sale in over 200 countries worldwide and a platform to promote your Equestrian Business or product. We have a great platform at an affordable rate to connect buyers and sellers around the world.