Interview with Audrie Anthony from Bocoy Stables

Audrie and her stallion Ecuador XXIV (Bred by The Royal Andalusian School

Audrie and her stallion Ecuador XXIV (bred by the Royal Andalusian School)

When did you start riding?

The first time I rode I was 8 years old at a birthday party, I was completely hooked and pony crazy! I think drove my poor mother crazy till I started getting lessons at a local barn. I started showing around 10 years old on a 18h OTTB because we I was desperate and it seemed like a good idea at the time!


List some of your riding accomplishments.

Before the dressage rectangle I compete in the Arabian breed circuit and hunter/jumpers open circuit. I have multiple regional and national championships in the Arabian Circuit in hunter and western pleasure, saddle seat, sidesaddle, show hack, sport horse under saddle, halter, showmanship, equitation on the flat and over fences, hunter over fences and dressage. I also competed in the hunter/jumper open circuit up to 1.3m. I started seriously riding dressage in my very late 20s and have been lucky enough to win at Global Dressage Festival, White Fences and at the new World Equestrian Center with some super talented horses.


When and why did you start Bocoy Stables?

My mother and I started Bocoy in 2003 at small 3-acre farm in Davie, FL. We didn’t have much, but we put everything into that run down old place and revamped it ourselves. It was the only way we could afford to keep our own horses and survive. It ended up being successful enough for that and more! In 2006 we did it all again when Bocoy moved to 5 acres that was being foreclosed on near Wellington, FL the property was overgrown and following apart but after 15 years it was one of the leading farms in the area with 40 plus stalls, a covered arena, covered round pen and home to several top international trainers. Finally in 2020 we made the biggest jump when we relocated to Ocala, FL and upgraded to a 50-acre training/ breeding facility 5miles from the new World Equestrian Center!

Wise Guy and Audrie
Wise Guy and Audrie

Give us the Day in The Life of Audrey Anthony.

My days are full of riding, sales, breeding and school! I am currently breeding top bred foals, expanding my personal sales program and looking to get my PhD.

Give us some insight about your breeding program.

List mares with pedigree, associations, your philosophy. My biggest and most important philosophy is putting importance on the quality of the mare. When looking to select a stallion I always start with the mare and her strengths and weaknesses. I try and pick a stallion that has similar positive qualities as the mare, this will allow for those desirable qualities to be passed on. Dissimilarly, I’ll select a stallion that contradicts a mares less desirable traits in the hopes he will correct or improve those issues. For example, if I have a mare with a long back and short neck, I would breed her to a super

Modern stallion with a short back and long neck. For this reason I do a lot of embryo transfers in my program since high quality mares usually have riding careers. My top producing mares are by Skovens Rafael, Furst Rousseau and Sir Gregory.

Rosalinda De Bocoy (Revolution x Furst Rousseau) bred by Audrie
Rosalinda De Bocoy (Revolution x Furst Rousseau) bred by Audrie

Tells us about 1 of your mentors in the Equestrian world.

My greatest mentor is my long trainer and friend Jim Koford. He has been a great supporter and coach for many years I’ve very grateful to have him in my corner.


What do you do on your days off?

Day off? What is that?


What would you tell your 15 yr old self?

I would tell her that everything will be ok. That just because I have to work as a groom, be badly treated and struggle to make it doesn’t make me less of a person. It will just make me stronger. I would also tell her to thank my mom more. She is my super hero!


Thanks Audrey!!! More information can be found on Bocoy Stables at or contact Audrie at

She also has horses for sale at


Debbie Morrison

Horse4yc Owner !!! !