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Bestseller HW
For Lease
At Stud
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5 (Average)
Dam's Sire
Dam's Grandsire
Welt Hit II
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Dressage 1st Level (10/15m circles, leg yield)Dressage 2nd Level (shoulder-in, simple change, collect/extend)
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Bestseller HW’s sire is the breathtaking and successful Benefit.
Benefit is the epitome of the modern dressage stallion; elegant and light-footed, with a beautiful type and fantastic movement. He has a particularly good front, with a free, open shoulder and a good head-neck connection.
Benefits sire is Belantis, a son of grand prix stallion, Bundeschampion, and performance test winner Benetton Dream. Benetton Dream scored a 10.0 for his walk at the Bundeschampionat, in addition to 9.5 for trot and canter. Belantis was reserve champion at the World Breeding Championships as a six-year-old, taking home the silver medal behind Sezuan. As a five-year-old, Belantis had already finished 4th at the World Championships on 9.2. Belantis is now competing at international small tour under Isabell Werth, scoring +73% at PSG. From his first three crops, Belantis has produced five licensed sons.
Belantis is from a strong mare line; the ‘P’ line has produced stars such as Quaterback, Poetin, Quindale, and Don Royal. Directly from the damline are licensed stallions Quadroneur I & II (by Quaterback), Sommerhit, the full brother of Belantis’ grand dam (by Sandro Hit), and Debut (by Direx). He is always uphill and elastic, with much cadence and an active hindleg. He won the National Championships in Prussendorf in 2012, and was the champion of his performance test, scoring 10.0 for rideability from the test rider.
Damline – Benefit’s dam, Sam, jumped up to 1.35m level, and her sire Sir Tender is a son of Sion, whose sire Sultan is the third sire of Johnson and also sired Geoff Billington’s great jumper It’s Otto. Sir Tender’s damsire Contender is a versatile and hugely successful stallion, whose son Contendro I has sired Olympic-level horses in all three disciplines. Benefit’s mareline has also produced the Oldenburg-licensed and premium stallion Higher Heights (by Catoki), and some promising sport horses.
Oldenburg Breeding News in 2017:
Benefit, Champion of the 2017 Oldenburg Stallion Licensing!
The grey Benefit (by Belantis x Sir Tender) was named champion of the 2017 Oldenburg Stallion Licensing in Vechta, Germany, on Saturday 18 November 2017. The licensing committee approved 21 colts out of a collection of 37 dressage bred stallions. Seven stallions received premium status.
The 2017 Oldenburg Stallion Licensing was certainly an interesting one with a big collection of wonderful young sport horses. The majority of the colts were “very talented sport horses” or “good geldings” as a figure of speech. A true stunner offering the complete package was lacking this year, but there were many impressive colts that ticked the boxes either on a conformation level, or in one or two gaits.
Benefit (by Belantis x Sir Tender x Welton x Figaro), bred and owned by Angelika Krause, was probably the most beautiful stallions presented in Vechta in years. The nobility in his face, his cresty neck and his outstanding shoulder freedom made him an undoubted, succulent 10 in front. His hind legs were still baby, not really showing the strength and push one hoped to see in a champion. Both on the lunge and in freedom, this colt moved with much expression in front but could convince slightly more behind. In canter he lacked a bit of suppleness and with every presentation this typy dark grey colt ground his teeth. He had a good walk. At auction this colt sold for 600,000 euro to Antonia Ax:son Johnson of Lovsta Stutteri in Sweden.

This is the third time in recent years that the Oldenburg society decided on a grey stallion as the champion to infuse more variety in the black and brown dominated stallion world. In the past Fairbanks and De Martino were grey champion but neither of these resonated with the breeders. Fairbanks did not get the attention of the breeders a champion normally gets and is now standing in the U.S.A De Martino hardly bred at all and has now passed away.
Oldenburg breeding director Dr. Wolfgang Schulze-Schleppinhoff praised the DNA unicity of this Belantis colt, as its pedigree is free from the traditional (over)used Oldenburg bloodlines alongside the stallion’s basic gaits. “Even in the last round he showed a very good and relaxed walk,” Schulze-Schleppinghoff remarked.
2018 news:
Benefit, High Scorer of 2018 Schlieckau 14-Day Stallion Performance Test.
The 2017 Oldenburg licensing champion Benefit became the high scoring stallion at the 14-day Stallion Performance Testing which was held in Schlieckau on 4 – 17 April 2018. A large group of 33 stallions participated in this testing for 3 and 4-year old, yet four dropped out. The Swedish owned Benefit was the high scoring stallion with a total of 8.40 points. He got 9.5 for character, 8.5 for trot and canter, 9 for walk, 8.5 for rideability, 7.5 for free jumping and 8.75 from the guest judge rider. His total for dressage was 8.66 and for show jumping 7.83 points. Benefit (by Belantis x Sir Tender x Welton x Figaro) is bred by Angelika Krause and the grey stallion sold for 600,000 euro to Ax:son Johnson at the auction following the Oldenburg licensing.

Bestseller HW’s dam sire is the stallion of the year 2021: Fidertanz.
A class of it’s own! Fidertanz can only surpass himself – and so he does impressively again and again.The 2013′ Bundeschampion of young dressage horses, named QC Flamboyant OLD, placed again just ahead of Fideralala in the final in 2014 and, in the meantime, he made his debut at advanced (S) class under Isabell Werth. The licensed stallion Fürst Fohlenhof took the gold and silver medal at the Bundeschampionat 2013 and 2014 in the class for young riding horses. Fandango OLD and the multiple Oldenburg Champion Fiderbach OLD succeeded in the Warendorf finals four young dressage horses. Flanell was placed with the best in the final of the Hanoverian Championship for three-year old stallions. At the Oldenburg Championship, Fidertanz presented three champions, beside the licensed Fiderbach OLD there were two Brilliantring mares at the Elite Broodmare Show.The acclaimed NRW Champion Stallion set early standards: So in 2005 he passed his 30-day test in Neustadt/D. and became Vice Bundeschampion in Warendorf (test rider score: 9.5). In 2006 he rose to be the Oldenburg Main Premium Winner with emphasis on dressage in recognition of his outstanding first foal crop. In 2007 Fidertanz rounds off his performance record by qualifying for the Bundeschampionat. In the meantime, there are several victories and placings up to Grand Prix level on his account. In 2014 he has been approved for Denmark.The beautiful Fidertanz inherits his great character and his extraordinary movements. From his crop of foals in 2014, a colt out of a Sir Donnerhall dam stood especially out and was sold for the top price at the Southern German foal auction in Viernheim.More than 400 offspring of Fidertanz are successful in sport, a fact that placed their sire again among the best rideability-sires of Germany according to FN’s estimated breeding value statistic. They are attractive for their riding comfort and willingness to perform, among them is First Class/Andrea Timpe and Fiderstern/Christine Eglinski, but also Fortis Frisson Art Edition, third in the four-in-hand Nations Cup Breda/NED, German Vice Champion in Donaueschingen and on twelfth place at the European Championship in Aachen with Rainer Duen.Almost 50 sons of Fidertanz are licensed: In 2014 he presented Flavio Briatore, a premium stallion selling for a high price to the Netherlands at the Hanoverian licensing in Verden, where even another son was found on the list of licensed stallions. Among his licensed sons is also the Bundeschampion, WC competitor and Hanoverian Vice Champion Franziskus/Ingrid Klimke, the NRW Champion Stallion and Bundeschampionat competitor Flanagan as well as Feuerspiel, selling for 330,000 Euro as price highlight at the Verden stallion market in 2009. Fürstentanz, Fiederhit OLD, Fiderstar and Fairytale placed in the finals of the Bundeschampionat. The last-mentioned Fairytale has been selected to compete with his rider Isabel Bache for the German team at the 2011′ WC for five-year old dressage horses in Verden. One year later, this pair placed fourth at the Bundeschampionat.Also Fidertanz’ daughters are a tribute to their father, especially the Oldenburg Champion Mare Fifty-Fifty, who was already German Champion Filly at the Foal Championship in Lienen and is now at Rothenberger’s dressage stable for further training. Florencia became ZfdP Champion Mare, Fider’s Tanzmarie and Fashion Girl were both second Reserve Champions in Münster-Handorf and Filipa K second Reserve Champion in Wickrath. The mare Foryourbest was first Westphalian Reserve Champion and placed fifth at the Bundeschampionat. In 2013, Fantara reached with a group of the best ten the final ring at the German Elite Broodmare Championship. Among the price highlights at the 2015′ Hanoverian stallion market, there was a premium stallion out of the Fidertanz-daughter State Premium mare Firenza.So many Fidertanz offspring reached top prices at auctions: The 2013′ Hanoverian Champion Friemel went to customers from Brazil for a bit of 200,000 Euro. Firefox O was one of the price highlights in Vechta.Fidertanz is a son of stallion performance test winner, Bundeschampion and Grand Prix winner Fidermark I, who unfortunately died far too early. The granddam Frühlingssonne produced the licensed stallions Disconto (by Divertimento) and Fanconi (by Fuchsberger). Performance line of Astfläche.

Bestseller HW, just like ordered:
Amazing looks, movement, talent, he’s the total package.
He will catch your attention with his beauty and elegance.
He is a true eye candy, smart and willing to please.

He has three fantastic, rhythmic gaits, stellar cadence, he is confirmed at 2nd level, with his steady, always uphill movement.
Already successfully shown, winning and placing.

This boy is easy to sit and impresses with his stunning, free shoulder, sensational trot movement, uphill canter and swings always nicely through his body,
with a soft back and a super active hindleg.
His walk is always rhythmic, no matter if collected or extended walk.
Everybody will love this one, the judges and the audience alike will be excited to see him.

Bestseller HW is willing to learn daily, very sweet and with his super work ethic and attitude, a horse that fascinates his rider as well as trainer, every day of the year. He is so much fun!

This is a horse, with a very big heart.

He’s looking for his life partner to go out, have fun and compete.

He’s just a sweetheart.

He gets along well with other horses, loves human attention, wants to be in your pockets all the time and thrives for his personal grooming time.
Loads and bathes, goes in the hot walker and is pleasant all around as well as a super partner.

This boy will go his way up the levels with ease and fun, hopefully you will be the one guiding him there.

Bestseller HW will enable you to fulfill your dreams with all his sensational abilities,
he will collect all ribbons with ease, high point and more, here we come.

The goal of HW Farm is, to offer highly talented young horses in Germany
for riders in the USA and all over the world.
This young star will go far in the dressage ring, he is your ticket to the top!

X-rays on file!

Price is including import and quarantine to NY, check out his video clips!!!

Please contact Irene: Irene@HWfarm.com

239-772-7722 (ask for Irene, managing member, HorseSales LLC)

We take pride in answering every e-mail right away (at least at the same day) and to return each call. If you don’t get a reply – please try again, our spam filter might have gotten in the way?!

More info and other horses for sale at www.HWfarm.com

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    Published on August 18, 2022