Elancourt affectionately known as “Hello” in the barn is truly lovely to have in the barn and to work with. He is easy to handle, loves turnout and is loving his hacks in the woods of Virginia.
Hello has had a very successful show career through the small tour level and has been to Nationals in Kentucky with several top finishes. This past year in FL he did his first I-2s and is continuing to build strength for the Grand Prix work. He has been professionally trained since he was 5 years old and has a very correct foundation. He is confidant in is training and is showing great potential to continue to progress and improve as he works towards the GP.
Hello does need a confidant rider who is able to support him when he needs it but is also a very good teacher in that he doesn’t mind letting to repeat something over and over again and isn’t offended if you make a mistake.
Hello is an absolutely ideal horse for a competent confidant JR/YR looking for a horse that they could compete and take on to the CDI small tours and or the U25 level. He would also be suitable for a confidant AA or a Professional looking for a horse to continue to develop and to potentially show internationally.