Day in the Life Interview with Adult Amateur Rider Carol McPhee

Hey guys! Here is are Day In The Life interview, adult amateur segment. Adult amateurs are the backbone of the equestrian industry. With their dedication to riding, being sponsors, stallion owners, farm owners. This next lady is all of that! Meet Carol McPhee. She and her husband Scott, own Field of Dreams Farm in Pennsylvania USA. Read about Carol, her stunning farm, their stallion Furst Belagio FOD, and those amazing horses! Also, how Sensation is doing with Laura Graves(and maybe a hint of what is to come). Enjoy!
• When did you start riding?
I started riding at age 5. My sister worked at a local trail riding stable and would bring me to work with her and have me ride the ponies. Then my parents purchased a few horses and I rode a 16.2 Palomino Tennessee Walker for my first horse – his name was Honeysuckle.
•Tell us about Field of Dreams Farm
FOD was originally suppose to be a small little private farm my husband built for me so I didn’t have to board my first horse, Fendi HW while getting back into riding in 2016
My little farm started as a 10 -stall barn with wash stall, tack rooms, riders lounge and 80×200 indoor and 80×200 outdoor.
It has recently been upgraded with additional stalls in main barn, additional wash stall, 2 viewing rooms, insulation and wood finished walls in indoor (with heat to come), surround sound/PA system, 3 day / trailer in stalls off the indoor. New ArenaWorks Gold footing in both the outdoor and indoor. Outdoor has a judges booth, gazebo for viewing, 3 rail perimeter fencing and athletic field type sprinkler system installed.
Also 2 young horse executive style custom built run-in / stalls. One for 2 young horses and other for 3 young horses.
•Tell us about “The Day in The Life” of Carol McPhee
Oh god – well my day starts with my husband and I having our daily 5:30am morning meeting about our full-time business and then transfers to what the plans are for the horses and rides that day and what other projects we have coming up or need to complete before we start the next one. Then how can we make things better both business and at the farm. Then at 6:30am our day officially starts. I head to my home office for a few hours before going to the barn and he goes to our actual business location which is near our farm.
•Tell us about your personal riding horses
Feeling HW aka Fitz 8yo – my heart Horse. Purchased him with the 4 other HWs sight unseen. Have had him for 3.5 years and love his forward thinking, eagerness to learn new development and his willingness to please me each ride.
2020 Fitz and I – USDF Year-End 3rd Level AA and All Breeds US Rhineland 3rd Level AA Winner and 3rd for Horse of the Year in 3rd Level. 2021 4th Level and PSG
Fendi HW 11yo- my first boy getting back into riding. Recently have him back in my line-up and love his willingness to please me. He’s very uncomplicated but less is more with him.
2021 3rd Level and MFS
FinestDream HW aka Dante 5yo- he is my Diva Gelding. Super fun to ride, amazing expressive gaits and excited for us next year. Will be my first full year with him since I purchased him as a 4yo.
2021 2nd Level
In addition I have Goldwyn aka Gwyn (5yo); Damon’s Dream (4yo); Rapson (10yo) – those currently being riden and continued development by Anna Keenan
•You have that gorgeous young stallion, Furst Belagio FOD at Hilltop Farm, in training with Michael Bragdell. Why did you decide to become a stallion owner?
My husband wanted to have a project special to him and Michael Bragdell.
How did you pick him out?
We went to Germany with Michael to find the perfect black stallion That both Scott and Michael liked.
Tell us about his first foal crop.
Boomers foals are super and owners are very happy. I am lucky to have snagged one – a black one and we have named him JB aka Jr Boomer.
• Tell us about your other super star Sensation HW! Give us some of his show highlights with Michael Bragdell.
Sen is amazing and special.
As a 4yo he was 5th in USEF/Markel YH Championship- after being with Michael for only 2 months
Sen won 5yo & 6yo USEF/Markel YH Championships as well as USDF 1st Level and 3rd Level Finals in Kentucky- plus Horse of the Year and Westfalen All-Breeds with Michael
SenSation is a Westfalen (Sunday x Dancier). Breeder Alfons Bergjoann. His daughter Simone and I keep contact regularly about Sen’s progress.
How is Sensation HW doing?
Sen aka LuLu (named by Laura) is doing amazing and what an opportunity for him to be with the Best US Dressage Professional in our opinion.
•Owner/sponsors are so important in our sport- why did you decide to become one?
We knew Sen has something special and wanted him to have the best chance to shine bright.
•How did you pick one of our top riders in the US, Laura Graves, for Sensation?
Laura has been my favorite dressage professionals. Love that we are both from New England and when she announced her retirement of Diddy – my husband said – well we know who she can ride now as a joke. But the way it turned out – it’s no joke – it’s reality now.
What are his future plans? Laura will have to answer that question – she has their best interest in their future plans. We would be blessed and fortunate if they would be a pair for the 2024 Paris Olympics
•What do you do for fun?
Fun = work and horses and growing old with my husband Scott (33+ years and counting) and now having a future daughter-in-law Anna Keenan making our only son the happiest man in the world.
Debbie Morrison

Horse4yc Owner !!! !


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