Horses's Registered Name
Valentin HW
For Lease
Birth Year
Xrays Available
5 (Average)
Dam's Sire
Dam's Grandsire
Fürst Heinrich
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Dressage 1st Level (10/15m circles, leg yield)Dressage 2nd Level (shoulder-in, simple change, collect/extend)
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Valentin HW is sired by the famous Valverde:
Finalist at the WCYH for 5yo 2019
Won silver at the Bundeschampionate for 4yo stallions 2018
Champion stallion in Westfalen 2016
Valverde NRW added to his collection of titles last year with his third triumph at the Westphalian Championships. With his trainer Eva Möller, he received a 9.0 for each of his three gaits and the overall impression! At the German Championships, he convincingly won the qualifier for the final (9.0) and also received high individual scores in the final: for the “super energetic trot, which is incredibly powerful, dynamic and uphill” and for the walk “with fantastic rhythm and stretch” each a 9.0. Commentator Dr. Dietrich Plewa also praised Valverde’s “canter with three clear beats and flying changes with a clear jump through the body and a lot of expression” and attested to Valverde’s “outstanding talent”. He finished fourth with an overall score of 8.5 against very strong competition. He was then selected to represent Germany at the World Championships for young dressage horses, however, this championship could not take place due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Valverde started his career in 2016 as Westphalian Champion Stallion and the following year completed his stallion performance test in Denmark as the third best dressage stallion with a total score of 9.23 (10 for walk, character and conformation). Valverde then won the gold medal at the Westphalian Championships and the silver medal at the German Championships for four-year-olds. In 2019, he was once again Westphalian Champion (overall 9.22, walk 10), he narrowly missed the medal places and came fourth at the World Championships for young dressage horses and won the German Championships with an overall score of 9.3.

Valverde produced numerous show winners and coveted auction foals from his first crops of foals. Victor Hugo was auctioned for 36,500 Euros in Vechta. Valuable became top price of the 3rd Helgstrand-Schockemöhle Online Auction, selling for 79,000 Euros.
His sire Vitalis was Champion Foal in the Netherlands in 2007, Reserve Champion of the NRW licensing in 2009, winner of the dressage index of his stallion performance test in 2010, placed at the World Championships and Pavo Cup final in 2012, Champion in the USA and again qualified for the World Championships with a record number of points in 2013 and victorious in the International Small Tour at only seven years old in 2014. He came back to Germany and, in 2016, ridden by Isabel Freese, he won the Burg Cup Final in Frankfurt and the “Stallion of the year” competition at Inter I level at the World Championships in Ermelo/NED.

His dam St.Pr.St. Amicella was successful up to Inter I.

His dam’s sire Ampère, KWPN Champion Stallion and champion of his stallion performance test, has produced over 60 stallions approved for breeding in the Netherlands and in Germany, including the Grand Prix winner Abegglen FH NRW/Victoria Max-Theurer/AUT, the Louisdor Prize finalist Aperol/Emma Kanerva/FIN, First Ampère, who came sixth at the World Championships for young dressage horses and our KWPN Champion Stallion, Franklin. He has produced over 50 state premium mares, including the Westphalian Champion Mare Anky. Numerous auction top prices have also been recorded.
His grand-dam St.Pr.St. First Fina is the half-sister of Enrico (by Ehrentusch), who was successful in Grand Prix, and of further successful dressage horses. She produced the licensed stallion Mister Diamond (by Sir Donnerhall I).
First Final, Reserve Champion of the Oldenburg licensing in 2005, who appears in the third generation, combines the dressage World Champion Fürst Heinrich and the legendary stallion Argentinus in his pedigree. He was successful up to advanced (S) level.

The half-blood stallion Laomedon, Delphi, who was successful in Grand Prix, and Der Clou, who won his stallion performance test, complete his pedigree in the most excellent way.

Valentin HW’s dam sire is the stunning Fürstenball, wo produces world-class horses, from foal shows to the Olympic arena.
Fürstenball’s offspring are always among the best. Hardly any stallion can offer such continuity in hereditary performance. He has produced 90 licensed stallions, around 170 premium mares and over 80 horses successful at advanced (S) level, led by Heiline’s Danciera/Carina Cassøe Krüth/DEN, placed fourth by team and seventh individually at the Olympics, as well as five German Champions, amongst them Feine Bella, who was also unbeatable in the Westphalian Championships and at her mare show, and numerous fantastic auction horses, such as Fürst Bayram OLD/Frederic Wandres, 1.7 million Euro price sensation of the P.S.I. Auction 2021, reigning Oldenburg Regional Champion and eleventh at the German Championships for young dressage horses.

Torveslettens Fifty-Fifty/Ekaterina Podlytkina/RUS, Friesen Ball/Andrea Timpe/GER, Filigrano Marone/Thomas Wagner/GER, placed eleventh in the Louisdor Prize final, Four Seasons FRH/Alexa Westendarp/GER, double European Young Riders Championship gold medallist, and First Class/Maike Mende/GER, winner of the Oldenburg Derby Dressage Cup, have already established themselves at Grand Prix level. Frau Holle was silver medallist at the German Young Riders Championship with Jana Schrödter and competed in the Burg Cup final. ZINQ Farlana FH won the bronze medal at the German Junior Championships with Lucie-Anouk Baumgürtel and won the International Tour in Le Mans/FRA. Fürst Sinclair/Elke Philipp/GER was placed fourth at the para-equestrian dressage World Championships in Tryon/USA and at the European Championships in Rotterdam/NED.

Fürstenball has produced 90 licensed stallions, including Fürsten-Look/Isabel Freese/NOR: our Champion Stallion and German Champion, who came third in the Burg Cup, Fürst Zonik PS: our Champion Stallion, Fürst Fabrice: Champion Stallion placed third at the Regional Championships, Follow Me OLD: Oldenburg Champion Stallion, Regional Champion and victorious at advanced (S) level, First No Nonsense R: Reserve Champion, Facilone/Marcus Hermes: Hanoverian Champion, participant at the World Championships for young dressage horses and successful at Inter I level, Faradai OLD: Regional Champion and placed at advanced (S) level, Fürst Oliver: Hanoverian Champion and placed at the German Championships, and Fürst Magic: Westphalian Champion and victorious at Inter I level.

Fürstenball also produced Fior (German and Regional Champion as well as finalist at the World Championships for young dressage horses), Festina PS (German Champion and Vice Regional Champion), Feingefühl (German and Regional Champion and Hanoverian Reserve Champion Mare), Fiesta Danza OLD (Oldenburg Champion Mare, silver and bronze medallist at the German Championships and double Regional Champion), Fürstano B (DSP Vice Youngster Champion 7-9y.o.), Fausto (Oldenburg Vice Champion), Francisco (Vice Baden-Württemberg Champion), Fürst Knight EDI and Freddie Murcury (bronze medallists at the Westphalian Championships), Fine Lady (Hanoverian Champion Mare), Fünf Sterne (Oldenburg Champion Mare and Regional Champion), Flora de Mariposa OLD (Reserve Champion Mare, Regional Champion and German Vice Champion), as well as Fiesta la Cita (second Reserve Champion Mare in Westphalia), and Felice (second Reserve Champion Mare of the Franz-Strahl-Schäfer Show in Baden-Württemberg). Fürstenball was the price highlight at the Vechta foal auction in 2006, with a knock-down price of 110,000 euros, champion stallion at the Oldenburg licensing in 2008, winner of his stallion performance test in 2009 with a dressage index of 154.98 (16 marks of 9.0 or higher and a 10 for rideability), winner of the Oldenburg main premium in 2010, German Champion with an overall score of 9.4 (10 for walk) and Oldenburg Regional Champion (5y.o.) with Ines Westendarp in 2011, placed at the World Championships for Young Horses (6y.o.) in 2012, victorious up to Prix St. Georges and VTV dressage stallion in 2013, number one of the FN breeding valuation in 2015, Danish Elite Stallion in Herning/DEN in 2017 and “Stallion of the Year” in Herning/DEN in 2018.

His sire Fürst Heinrich was Champion Stallion in 2001, winner of the main premium in 2002, World Champion of five-year-old dressage horses in 2003, and has produced over 50 licensed stallions. Over 70 of his offspring are successful at advanced (S) and Grand Prix level.

Fürstenball’s half brothers Harmony’s Desiderio (by Dimaggio)/Susan Pape/GBR and Winehouse (by Wynton) were both approved for breeding, his half brother Bello Oriente (by Belissimo M) competed internationally in Grand Prix and Mount St. John VIP (by Vivaldi) competed internationally in Small Tour. Inbred to the dressage hero Donnerhall, Fürstenball’s pedigree enjoys an influx of blood further down in the pedigree with Holstein and thoroughbred genes. From the French dam line of Fürstenball come the Oldenburg Champion Stallion and Grand Prix winner Sieger Hit and the licensed stallions Hot Spot, Silver Black OLD, Daktylius OLD, Sir of Freedom and Fideel.

Valentin HW, amazing looks, movement, talent, he’s the total package, in proven quality. A licensed stallion, the judges agreed: This one definitely has it all.
He will catch your attention with his beauty and elegance.
He is a true eye candy and dream horse, smart and super willing to please.

Three fantastic, lofty, elastic and rhythmic gaits, stellar cadence,
with steady, always uphill movement.

This boy is easy to sit and impresses with his stunning, free shoulder, sensational trot movement, uphill canter and swings always nicely through his body,
with a soft back and a mesmerizing, active hind-leg.
His walk is always rhythmic, no matter if collected or extended walk.
Everybody will love this one, the judges and the audience alike will be excited to see him.

Valentin HW is willing to learn daily, very sweet and with his super work ethic and attitude, a horse that fascinates his rider as well as trainer, every day of the year.
He is so much fun!

This is a horse, with a very big heart and an old soul.
He could truly be a lady’s horse for a smaller person.
He’s looking for his life partner to go out, have fun and compete.

Valentin HW, a true sweetheart, is suitable for an amateur, young rider or professional alike, to continue his training and go on from there.

He gets along well with other horses, loves human attention, wants to be in your pockets all the time and thrives for his personal grooming time.
Loads and bathes, goes in the hot walker and is pleasant all around as well as a super partner. This boy will go his way up the levels with ease and fun, hopefully you will be the one guiding him there.

Valentin HW will fulfill your dreams with all his sensational abilities,
collect all ribbons, high point and more.

The goal of HW Farm is, to offer highly talented young horses in Germany
for riders in the USA and all over the world.
This young star will go far in the dressage ring, he is your ticket to the top!

X-rays on file!

Price includes import and standard 2 day quarantine to NY, check out his video clip!!!

Please contact Irene: Irene@HWfarm.com

239-772-7722 (ask for Irene, managing member, HorseSales LLC)

We take pride in answering every e-mail right away (at least at the same day) and to return each call. If you don’t get a reply – please try again, our spam filter might have gotten in the way?!
Please find all information and other top quality horses for sale at www.HWfarm.com

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    Published on August 12, 2022