
[page_header style=”divided” text_color=”dark” title=”Who We Are” title_case=”uppercase”]

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[title text=”Our Story” tag_name=”h2″]

Recognizing the limitations of Facebook and the existing sales sites and apps, Debbie has put her knowledge and experience together to create the most focused, easy-to-use and effective horse sales platform available. I know what busy sellers and buyers need to showcase their horses, find horses, and communicate quickly and easily. I hope you enjoy using Horses 4 Your Consideration and are successful in connecting with the right horses and buyers!
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[team_member img=”218″ name=”Debbie” title=”Owner of Transitions Farm in Oxford PA” facebook=”https://www.facebook.com/transitionsfarm/” email=”transfarm@zoominternet.net” image_height=”100%” image_width=”80″ image_radius=”100″]

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[title text=”About Debbie” tag_name=”h2″]

Debbie Morrison has been running the successful Horses 4 Your Consideration equine showcase sales page on Facebook since 2012. With its loyal members worldwide, Debbie helped facilitate the sale of thousands of quality horses.

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Through the management of the platform and standards. Debbie owns Transitions Farm In Oxford PA. She is an accomplished FEI dressage rider and USDF L Graduate, who has been breeding, buying, selling, training, and showing her entire professional life. Debbie’s direct email is transfarm@zoominternet.net
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1159 Horses